Comparison Board Game

Board Game
My students are frequently being forgetful when they have to review about comparison material. They are often making mistakes all the times to differentiate among the three types of comparison, they are positive degree, comparative degree, and superlative degree. They usually put the wrong prefixes and suffixes of comparison words, for example; the word 'high' will be 'more higher' or 'highest' to form comparative sentences. Teacher has drilled them in each meeting or given them an easy and eye catching note about comparison, but it does not work optimally. 

The students play the board game
Having the experiences above, teacher has designed a board game to review the use of comparison sentences. Through this fun activity, teacher expects that the students can memorize the pattern of comparison sentences in an interesting way. Even though, this game is quite common, but my students enjoy to play this game with their friends, and they feel excited to finish the game firstly than others. The preparation for teacher is quite easy. I made some nice and colorful shapes using Ms. Words and arranged them into downward spiral or like 'snake and ladder', then I put some clues to form comparison sentences. The clues are designed to be authentic ones, so the students are familiar with the words or situation, such as Trenggalek & Surabaya; Blackberry & Android; You & Your sister/brother, and so forth. Each player rolls the dice and she/he has to form and call out a sentence of comparison using the clue given. The player, who land his/her counter on "finish", will be the winner of this game.  

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