Drilling Vocabulary

Search word game
Last week, my students spent their holiday by studying about the characteristics of animals. They studied adjectives and nouns related to animals using search word game. My students love doing search word a lot. Through this they can learn the spelling of words as well as the meanings. I gave them limited time to do this game and the first was the winner. After that, they found the meanings of the words using picture flash cards shown by teacher and guessed the meaning on their own language. To empower their knowledge about the topic of that day, teacher asked them to learn vocabulary using emoticons of Whats App application on their smart phone. Each student chose ten words on the search word. after that, they had to send the ten words to their friends, but the words were typed by using emoticons that corresponded the words chosen. their friend would guess what the words were. student with the most right answer would be the winner.

Through this activity, i hope that my students will read and read again what they have just studied. I also hope that they can recall all the words as frequent as possible and keep the words in mind.
Typing the emoticons

The whatssapp message

The example of search word.


Greeting Card

Students' Greeting Cards

Students' Greeting Cards
Now, we are having long and long holiday this beautiful December. It is about two weeks. In these weeks also, we will have two amazing big days, they are Mother Day and New Year or may be there is someone's birthday. Well, can you imagine how excited we are facing those wonderful days? People around my house or my students usually have a plan to visit or go tourist objects, such as lake, beach, park, zoo, and many more, with their lovely family. But, not all of my students have a holiday plan, some of them are still studying with me. So, I ask them to make interesting greeting card sent to their friends, relatives, or family. I try to create an exciting moment to face the big days in December and they will have an unforgettable experience related to the holiday and the nice days. The students have some examples of beautiful greeting cards before making them by themselves. From those example they learn some vocabularies related to the topic. 

They are:
Happy New Year = Selamat Tahun Baru
Happy Mother Day = Selamat Hari Ibu
Happy Birthday = Selamat Ulang Tahun
I love you Mom = Aku mencintaimu Ibu
Wish you dreams come true = Semoga mimpimu menjadi nyata
Mom is a hero = Ibu adalah seorang pahlawan
Thanks for taking care of me = Terimaka kasih telah merawatku
You are my everything, Mom = Kamu segalanya, Ibu
May God bless you, Mom = Semoga Tuhan memberkahimu, Ibu
You are the strongest woman = Kamu adalah wanita terkuat
Best wishes for you = Doa terbaik untukmu
All happiness just for you = semua kebahagiaan hanya untukmu
I wish your days full of joy and blessing = Aku berharap hari-harimu penuh kebahagiaan dan berkah
New year and new spirit = Tahun Baru dan Semangat Baru
I'm ready to face the New Year = Aku siap menyongsong Tahun Baru
Wish you long-life = Semoga panjang umur

My students, then, prepare their greeting cards. We discuss together to have a good language and structure, after that, they write their greeting card on a small board. These greeting cards can be written and made on a colorful paper, like Origame paper, then they draw something related the greeting card they make.

'Emoticons' Challenge Card

This was previous meeting of English class at T-sbI. The aim of this lesson was to review vocabulary that have been learnt in the last meetings. They played 'Emoticons' Challenge Card individually as they were only six students in the class. Each player did the challenge card and gave a score on each answer based on the challenge given. They enjoyed the activity and had fun all the time along with friends. 

The procedure and preparation are quite easy. Before the class, I prepared a set of cards (12 cards). On each card, I put an emoticon downloaded from the internet expressing some familiar feelings and wrote a challenge underneath it. Some challenges that I wrote, such as, write down wild animals; find the things you can find in the park; write past irregular verbs, etc. All the challenges must be completed in one minute only. Then, I asked the students to sit in a circle and put the challenge cards face down in the middle of them. The students determined who was player 1, player 2, and so forth and they also prepared their pen and note book/an answer sheet. The first player took a challenge card and had to read the challenge loudly. All the players did the challenge and I set the time on one minute. After that, each player had to read the answer, and while listening to their friends answer they cross out/eliminate the same answers. The number of remaining answers would be their score. So, it went on until all players had twice round of the game. Student with the highest score would be the winner. 

Expressing Thanking and Apologizing

Thanking (Terima Kasih)

1. Say thank you when someone congratulates you
Dimas: Congratulations on your success!
Budi   : Thank you so much.

Bahtiar : Happy Birthday to you. Wish you all the best!
Reni      : Thanks a lot. You're so kind.

2. Say thank you when someone helps you
Tasya : What can I do for you?
Hilwa : I can't take the book over there. Can you help me, please?
Tasya : Sure. Here you are.
Hilwa : Thanks for your help.

3. Say thank you when someone gives you something
Fika : Hi, Riza. I have a chocolate for you.
Riza : Wow. That's really nice. Thank you Fika.
Fika : You're welcome

4.  Say thank you when someone gives advice
Triya : Well, I think you should tell your problem to your parents.
Atna : Yes, I think so, but I'm little bit afraid.
Triya : I think you should. They will understand you and give you some solutions.
Atna : Alright, Triya. Thanks for your suggestion.
Triya : Yeah. Don't mention it.

Apologizing (Minta Maaf)

1. Say sorry if you come home/school late
Falih : I'm really sorry, Sir, I'm late. I have a flat tire on my way here.
Mr. T : Well, no problem. Come in, please.

Fifa     : Sorry, Daddy, I'm home late. Many tasks we do together at my friend's house.
Daddy : It's okay, dear. Just take a rest now.
Fifa      : Thank you Dad.

2. Say sorry if you break your promise
Ayom : Eris forgive me, please. I can keep my promise to come to your house. I have to go to hospital now.
Eris     : Well, never mind, Ayom. Hope everything is okay.
Ayom : Thanks a lot, Eris.

Perkenalan dengan Turis

Reta : Good morning, Sir. (Selamat Pagi, Pak)
Turis : Good morning. (Selamat Pagi)
Reta : May I have time to talk with you? (Apa punya waktu untuk berbicara dengan anda?)
Turis : Yes, sure. What can I do for you? (Ya, tentu. Apa yang bisa saya bantu?)
Reta : I'm Reta, I have a task to write a diary about meeting foreigners. (Saya Reta, Saya mempunyai tugas untuk menulis diary tentang bertemu orang luar negeri)
Turis : Mmm, I'm John, I came from England. (Mmm, Saya John dari Inggris)
Reta : Nice to meet you, Sir. (Senang berkenalan dengan anda, Pak)
Turis : Nice to meet you too. (Saya juga senang berkenalan kamu)

Reta : May I ask you something, Sir? (Bolehkah, saya tanya sesuatu, Pak?)
Turis : Yes, sure. Why not? (Ya. tentu. Kenapa tidak?)
Reta : What do you think about this temple? (Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang candi ini)
Turis : This is the second temple I've ever visited. Although it is not so big as Borobudur, I think it is also incredible place I know. (ini adalah candi kedua yang saya kunjungi. Meskipun tidak sebesar Borobudor. Menurut saya ini adalah tempat yang menakjubkan yang pernah saya tahu.)
Reta : How about Indonesian people, Sir? (Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang orang Indonesia?)
Turis : Indonesian people are very kind as like you. They welcome us very nicely. I am happy English is still learned by most people in this country. (Orang Indonesia sangat baik hati seperti kamu. Mereka menerima kami sangat baik. Saya sangat senang banyak orang belajar Bahasa Inggris di negara ini)
Reta : Thank you, Sir. I am just practicing my English. How long have you been in Indonesia, Sir? (Terima kasih, Pak. Saya sedang melatih bahasa Inggris saya. Berapa lama anda tinggal di Indonesi, Pak?)
Turis : I have been here for 7 days. I have visited many places in this country. (Saya tinggal di sini selam  7 hari. Saya mengunjungi beberapa tempat di bagian negara ini)
Reta : What places have you visited, Sir? (Tempat apa yang pernah anda kunjungi?)
Turis : There are a lot of places, such as Bali, Mount Bromo, Jogja Palace, Prambanan, Borobudur, this temple, and so on. I enjoyed this vacation. (Tempat itu adalah Bali, Gunung Bromo, Prambanan, Candi Borobudor. Saya sangat senang di sini)
Reta : I hope you will come to Indonesia again next time. (Saya berharap anda datang ke Indonesia Lagi di waktu yang akan datang.)
Turis : Yes, I will. (Ya, Tentu)
Reta : Thanks for your time, Sir. It is pleasure to meet you. (Terima kasih waktunya, Pak. Senang bertemu anda.)
Turis: You're welcome, I am glad to see you, Reta. (Terima kasih kembali, Saya sangat senang bertemu denganmu Reta.)

Semoga Bermanfaat.

Lion Mask

The Display of Lion Mask
This is for the first time, the children in my class make a craft when they learn English. I got this idea from online resources of 'one stop English' that I join as the subscriber. I would like to try this technique in my English class. You know, we were exciting preparing all the materials needed because it was our first experience. The goal of this lesson is understanding English instructions in making animal mask. Before making the mask, the children learned some vocabularies related to the instruction of how to make a mask. Teacher showed verbs flashcards, such as put, make, cut, punch, check, glue, and draw. Then, teacher and children elicited some materials like glue, color pencils, scissors, and hole puncher. Here, children have got new vocabularies about making a mask. After practicing the vocabulary, teacher showed the steps how to make a mask one by one in a slow motion and the children listened and followed the teacher's instructions. Next step, the children colored their mask and labeled the name of their mask. They were Tesa Lion, Angry Lion, Lily Lion, and Happy Lion. The names represented the character of the lion mask that they have made. At last, the children put the lion mask on their face and displayed them on the wall. 
For the following activity, the children wrote a short description about their mask using worksheet prepared by the teacher.
Learning Vocabulary 
Cutting the Mask


Hibar Syahrul Gafur (14) siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Kota Bogor ini sukses meraih medali emas dalam kompetisi International Exhibition of Young Investor (IEYI) yang dilaksanakan di Malaysia dengan karya ciptaannya sepatu listrik anti pelecehan seksual.     Jika dilihat, sepatu ini tidak berbeda dengan sepatu wanita tipe wedges. Di dalam hak tebal sepatu, ada rangkaian listrik yang dirancang khusus. Jika wanita merasa dalam bahaya, dia tinggal menginjak tombol yang ada di bagian belakang sepatu.      "Listrik ini bertenaga 450 watt. Tinggal tendang ke arah si pelaku kekerasan seksual, secara otomatis tegangan listrik akan menyerang pelaku" jelas Hibar

Agasha Kareef Ratam, usianya masih sangat muda baru 15 tahun dan merupakan alumnus dari SD Al-izhar Pondok Labu (Jakarta Selatan). Cucu dari mantan presiden BJ Habbie ini lahir di Boston 21 November 1997. Tapi, di kancah internasional Olimpiade Matematika prestasinya jangan diragukan lagi. Di kompetisi tingkat dunia ini dia sudah berkali-kali mengharumkan nama Indonesia. Bersama tiga orang temannya, Rezky Arizaputra (siswa SD Al Azhar 13 Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur) Nicolas Steven Husada (siswa SD Universal Jakarta Utara) dan Stanley Orlando (siswa SD Santa Ursula Jakarta) telah mengikuti Po Leung Kuk 13thPrimary Mathematics World Contest (PMWC) di Hongkong pada Juli 2010. Agasha berhasil merengkuh medali emas (Kategori tim) dan perak (kategori individu Today 

Hania dan Fahma 

berhasil menjuarai APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards) 2010 pada kategori Secondary Student Project melalui karya siswa SD Cendikia Bandung / SMP Salman AL-Farisi Bandung, Fahma Waluya Rosmansyah (12 tahun) dan adiknya, Hania Pracika Rosmansyah (6 tahun).                  Karya mereka merupakan kumpulan program game edukasi sederhana yang dibuat menggunakan Adobe Flash Lite untuk ponsel Nokia E71 dengan judul “My Mom’s Mobile Phone As My Sister’s Tutor” (Ponsel Ibuku Untuk Belajar Adikku), Fahma Waluya & Hania Pracika berhasil mendapat apresiasi tinggi dari tim juri APICTA Internasional 2010 dan memperoleh skor tertinggi sekaligus memboyong piala Juara (Winner) APICTA 2010 pada kategori Secondary Student Project, disusul secara ketat dengan selisih skor tipis oleh empat pemenang Merit Award (Runner-Up) pada kategori yang sama, yaitu SpringGrass karya Chung Hwa Middle School BSB – Brunei, Auto Temperature Descension Device by Solar Power karya Foon Yew High School (Kulai) – Malaysia, SimuLab karya Pamodh Chanuka Yasawardene – Srilangka, Destine Strategy karya Rayongwittayakom School – Thailand                  Fahma Waluya (12 tahun) dan adiknya Hania Pracika (6 tahun) mencetak rekor baru untuk peserta termuda yang berhasil meraih Juara (Winner) APICTA selama 10 tahun penyelenggaraan kompetisi APICTA Awards Internasional yang diadakan sejak tahun 2001. Selama ini untuk kategori Secondary Student Project yang diikuti siswa-siswa elementary, middle dan high school, pemenangnya berasal dari siswa-siswa yang lebih senior (middle atau high school).                  APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards) adalah ajang kompetisi internasional yang diselenggarakan secara berkala (tahunan) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran ICT (Information and Communication Technology) dalam masyarakat dan membantu menjembatani kesenjangan digital. 
Melody Grace Natalie dan Mariska Grace 

Mereka adalah anak bangsa yang mengikuti dalam ajang International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS) 2013 yang diselenggarakan pada 15-22 April 2013 di Sanur, Denpasar, Bali. Pada ajang bergengsi untuk ilmuwan muda tersebut, Indonesia berhasil meraih lima medali yang terdiri dari dua medali emas, satu perak dan dua perunggu, serta tiga Special Awards. Melody Grace Natalie (Stella Duce I Yogyakarta) berhasil meraih medali emas dalam kategori Life Science dengan penelitiannya yang berjudul Potential of Squid Eye Lenses as UV Absorber. Karya ilmiah yang diusungnya ini mengenai pemanfaatan mata cumi-cumi untuk melindungi kulit dari bahaya sinar ultraviolet. Sedangkan, Mariska Grace (SMAK Cita Hati) yang sama-sama meraih medali emas berhasil menjadi pemenang dalam kategori Environmental Science melalui penelitiannya yang berjudul A Novel Approach in Using Peanut Shella to Eliminate Copper Content in Water, dengan memanfaatkan kulit kacang untuk mengurangi kadar ion tembaga di dalam air. “Saya membuat sun block yang bisa dibuat simpel oleh nelayan, sehingga nelayan bisa terhindar dari kanker kulit,” ujar Melody Grace saat menjelaskan hasil penelitiannya.


    Dilahirkan dengan keterbatasan kemampuan mendengar serta berbicara, tidak membuat Srihanik (17) berputus asa dalam menggapai prestasi. Karena kegigihannya itu, remaja asal Dusun Becek, Desa Kalirong, Kecamatan Tarokan, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur, menjuarai lomba Desain Grafis Sekolah Luar Biasa tingkat Provinsi Jawa Timur. Dalam perlombaan Pendidikan Keterampilan yang digelar di Surabaya, 23-25 Juli 2011 lalu itu, siswi yang duduk dikelas VIII SLB Dharma Wanita, Kecamatan Grogol, Kabupaten Kediri tersebut menyisihkan 19 peserta utusan daerah lain se-Jawa Timur. Ia berhasil menggondol juara pertama dengan mengusung pembuatan poster serta pembuatan website beserta desainnya. Dalam website yang mengantarkannya sebagai pemenang itu, ia mengambil tema Bahaya Narkoba. “Hingga pemenang diumumkan, saya tidak menyadarinya. Sampai saya diberitahu untuk maju ke panggung. Saat menerima piala itu, saya baru menangis haru,” ujar Srihanik sebagaimana diartikan oleh Nanda, guru pembimbing desain, Rabu (27/7/2011). Sementara itu, Nanda menuturkan, sebelum berlomba di tingkat provinsi, Srihanik mengikuti seleksi antar SLB tingkat Kabupaten Kediri yang digelar di Kecamatan Gurah pada 18 Juli lalu. Saat itu, lanjut Nanda, putri pasangan Tukiman dan Sulastri, sama sekali belum mengenal komputer, apalagi desain grafis. “Namun karena kecerdasannya, dalam waktu dua hari saja belajar, dia sudah mampu menyerap materi dengan baik,” bangga Nanda. Dengan prestasi gemilangnya itu, Nanda menambahkan, Srihanik otomatis berhak mewakili Jawa Timur dalam lomba serupa tingkat Nasional yang akan digelar sekitar September nanti. “Saat ini kami bersiap untuk event nasional itu,” pungkas Nanda. Sebelumnya, Srihanik sempat dilarang bersekolah oleh keluarganya. Sebab, selain kondisinya yang mengalami tuna rungu tuna wicara itu, keluarganya juga hidup dalam keterbatasan ekonomi. Bapaknya, Tukiman, hanya berprofesi sebagai pedagang kerupuk sambal di Pasar Tradisional Pesantren, Kota Kediri. 

Tentunya anak-anak yang berprestasi ini sekarang sudah besar-besar.  salut buat mereka. Semoga menjadi contoh yang baik untuk anak-anak Indonesia utamanya yang tinggal di Desa.  

Sumber: http://edukasi.kompas.com 
Sumber: http://ghinadzakirah.blogspot.co.id/2013/05/10-anak-berprestasi-indonesia.html


Have you ever made any mistakes? What do you usually do after that? I'm sure, you will ask for apologize or say sorry. But, what is the relationship of saying sorry to the traditional food I want to talk to? Well, this traditional food is very popular in Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia. The taste is delicious and you must be falling in love for the first time you eat this food. The local people call this 'PUNTEN'. It is a Javanese Language means feeling of regret or sorry to others. Though, the word has such kind of meaning, but this food does not express the feeling of apologizing. That has come just the way it is since long time a go. 

'Punten' is made from rice as the main ingredient, and it is mixed with salt, water, and coconut milk to create high quality flavor. All ingredients are cooked together until done, then it is smashed using a wood stick to make it tender and smooth. Then it is put on a tray and sliced into small pieces. It is usually served with fried 'tempe' (it is another traditional food again, well we have so much unique food I think). Hmmmmm....It is so yummy, especially if it is in a cloudy weather or while you have a good time with your family, and you must try this someday when you visit Indonesia, particularly Trenggalek. People usually make this food after harvesting time to express their thankful because of God's blessings. Besides that, this traditional food is also served in certain events, such as celebrating baby shower party in Javanese culture. 

In The Rice Field

Plowing the soil using tractor
Plowing the soil using a hoe

Rice plant
Rice is the staple food of Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia. But, do you know the long and hard process to produce rice that we eat every day? Near my house, there are many rice fields and in the rainy season, the farmers always plant rice or paddy to be sold as an income or to be eaten by themselves. Fortunately, this year, rain frequently falls down and of course the farmers are very happy because they can plant rice along the year. Before planting, the farmers must prepare the field by plowing the soil using a hoe or tractor, besides that they have to control and manage how much water flowing to the field as needed by the plants. After that, the farmers prepare the seed being planted. The farmers are usually helped by some female assistants to plant rice and you know it is a beautiful view when female labors planting rice together. It is not happened in other places. The rice is planted using hands in a row line prepared before, so it looks tidy and the rice can grow well. The rice usually gets its maturity or ready to be harvested around 105 - 150 days. The color of rice will turn into yellowish and that is the harvest time. The farmers feel excited welcoming this, if they get much harvesting, it means they will earn much money this year. After harvesting, they usually hold a thanksgiving party to express their gratitude to Allah SWT. 

Planting the rice

The green rice

Harvesting time

Drawing a House

Learning Vocabulary about Parts of a House 
Salsa's Artwork
Dimas' Artwor
Ila's Artwork

The goal is to study parts of a house and describe a house using simple sentences.
Preparation: flashcards about parts of a house or if there are no flashcards, you can draw a house in a big size so that the students can see it clearly. Label the parts of the house based on the real type of house in Indonesia.
The vocabularies: roof, window, door, wall, big, small, pointed, flat, wooden-house, bamboo-house, brick-house.

Children usually like drawing. To learn about a house and parts of it, teacher applied a lesson plan, adapted from ‘one-stop English’ and modified it based on the culture of Indonesia, using drawing to learn about house. First, the children practice vocabularies needed. Teacher draws a house in a big size on the whiteboard. Then, ask the children to label the parts of it, such as window, roof, wall, and door. Then, teacher shows some pictures of houses based on the material used, such as bamboo-house, wooden-house, and brick-house. The children practice the words and pronunciation. After that to courage students’ engagement, teacher delivers them some questions about their house, like ‘is your house small or big? Does your house have windows? Does your house have square or round windows? Does your house have wooden-door? Next, the children do a worksheet to match pictures and the words about a house. On the second worksheet, the children complete sentences describing a house and based on the description have been answered, the children draw and color their own house on the sheet prepared by the teacher.

The next activity is pair work. The children work in pair to draw his/her friend house. In turn, they describe their house and draw a house based on the description given. After that, the children display their drawing on the wall and teacher gives them appreciation. For the follow-up, they can describe one of houses and guess whose house it is. 

Di Pagi Hari Ini

Di Pagi hari seperti biasa, aktivitas di rumah setelah bangun pagi adalah bersih-bersih rumah. Hari ini  tidak seperti biasanya, ku menemukan koran yang sudah robek. Ternyata di koran itu ada kenanganku dimuat di koran. Bahkan tanggal di muat pun ku sampai lupa. He he he...jadi ketawa sendiri. Sayang sekali kenangan ini kalau sampai terbuang di tempat sampah. Ku ambil kamera, lalu 'jepret jepret".    

Using ‘Realia’ to Learn English for Children

Realia” is frequently used in an English classroom throughout the world and most of teachers have applied this technique for their students. Many studies showed that the use of ‘realia’ in English classroom or to learn English is very effective. When I joined online course, it discussed about the use and the advantage of ‘realia’ in English learning. It is very effective and useful to teach vocabularies since this technique can give a real and memorable experience to the students, particularly for children. They can hold, touch, smell, even taste the real object while memorizing the vocabularies. This technique lets the students to have real experience in learning English vocabulary and engages to the classroom activities as well.

Yesterday, I also applied the use of ‘realia’ in my English classroom for children. They are about seven to eight years old with their own unique characteristics. For couple of weeks before, I have tried some techniques and methods to solve problems occurred in my classroom. The children in this class cannot recognize pictures well, so I think flashcards are not suitable for them considering their background knowledge. Besides that, noisy class and unnecessary talks might be reduced by using drilling activities of ‘realia’. Well, this is my class of English for children!

The goal of the lesson was to introduce things we can find in the kitchen. The classroom consisted of 10 children. Teacher prepared plastic spoon, fork, plate, and glass. Before the lesson teacher drew a house on the white board and its four parts (living room, bed room, bath room, and kitchen). Teacher delivered some questions, such as, What is it? Is this your house? What parts of house is it? Then I showed them four picture flashcards of those rooms. But, today the children only focused on things in the kitchen.

The first drilling activity was pronunciation practice of single word. Teacher showed four real objects of things in the kitchen, they were spoon, fork, plate, and glass that the children are familiar with. Children sat in a circle and repeated the teacher model how to pronounce them, then, the first child was given a ‘realia’ (spoon or others). She/he gave the object to the next child by saying ‘spoon’, the second child repeated and gave it to the third child, and so it was going on until the last child and all real objects have been practiced.

The next round was pronunciation practice of simple sentence, like ‘it is a spoon’. The same as the first activity, children took in turn repeating the simple sentence in a circle. They were enjoying this activity, because they could see and touch the real objects to be learnt in English. It was also easy to memorize. At last, they drew and colored the four objects in a simple way on their book and they practiced the right spelling of each object by writing the names under the pictures.

Based on the teaching experience above, teacher thinks that the children enjoy the activities because they study English in real world rather than using pictures. Sometimes, the children do not recognize what the picture it is since it is different from they usually find at home. Besides that, teacher can have full of their attention in these activities and noisy classroom or unnecessary talks or movements can be minimized as well. Next, I would like to use ‘realia’ in a different activity to drill another topic/vocabulary. 

Elliptic Sentence

Elliptic Sentence merupkan bentuk singkat sebuah kalimat yang beberapa kata/bagian yang sama dihilangkan, sehingga masih memiliki makna yang sama. Elliptic Sentence biasanya digunakan untuk menghindari pengulangan kata yang tidak diperlukan. 

Ada beberapa jenis Elliptic Sentence:

1. Penggunaan 'Too' dan 'So'.
'Too' dan 'So' biasanya digunakan untuk mempersingkat kalimat yang memiliki predikat dan obyek yang sama, serta berupa kalimat positif (+).

Polanya adalah sebagai berikut.
- Subject + Verb(be) + ..... and + So + Auxiliary Verb + Subject.
He will go to Jakarta. I will go to Jakarta. = He will go to Jakarta and so will I.
Renza likes swimming. Alya likes swimming. = Renza likes swimming and so does Alya.

- Subject + Verb (be) + .....and + Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Too.
He will go to Jakarta. I will go to Jakarta. = He will go to Jakarta and I will too.
Renza likes swimming. Alya likes swimming. = Renza likes swimming and Alya does too.

2. Penggunaan 'Either' dan 'Neither'.
'Either' dan 'Neither' biasanya digunakan untuk mempersingkat kalimat yang memiliki predikat dan obyek yang sama, serta berupa kalimat negatif (-).

Polanya adalah sebagai berikut.
- Negative Sentence + ..... and + So + Positive Auxiliary Verb + Subject
He will not go to Jakarta. I will not go to Jakarta. = He will not go to Jakarta and neither will I.
Renza does not like swimming. Alya does not like swimming. = Renza does not like swimming and neither does Alya.

- Negative Sentence + .....and + Subject + Negative Auxiliary Verb + Either.
He will not go to Jakarta. I will not go to Jakarta. = He will not go to Jakarta and I will not either.
Renza does not like swimming. Alya does not like swimming. = Renza does not like swimming and Alya does not either.

3. Penggunaan 'Both....and...' dan 'Either....or.."
Selain dua jenis di atas, ada penggunaan 'both...and..' dan 'either...or'. Perhatikan contoh berikut!
a. Fika is reading a book. Revi is reading a book. = Both Fika and Revi are reading a book.
b. Eva is writing a letter. Ayu is writing a letter. = Both Eva and Ayu are writing a letter.

a. Dezna likes playing badminton. Dezna likes playing volleyball. = Dezna likes playing either badminton or volleyball.
b. I drink coffee. I drink milk. = I drink either coffee or milk.

My Reflection

Happy Monday and welcome to December! This month is commonly known as the most precious month. This is the last month in which everyone has to be ready welcoming the new year with the new spirit. In this month also, we reflect all we have done in the eleven previous months, what the good and bad. Today, I would also like to reflect and turn back again about how the process of English learning in the previous week in my classroom.You know, teaching children of EFL is not always easy task. Moreover, if they are poor of English knowledge. This happens in my classroom. My classroom is about 11-12 children around 7 to 8 years old. They are children around my house in a suburban area where the family background is lack of English knowledge. So, the children get the lesson only at schools and courses. Fortunately, they still have a willingness to learn more about English. Few of them are fast learners and other are slow learners, Ups......I almost forget to tell you, this classroom is my own class at T-SbI; Okay...this is my classroom reflection! 

Last week, I have already prepared a lesson plan to teach English for children at beginner level. The topic I chose was clothing based on the syllabus of their book at school. This was the second meeting at the same topic, so my lesson plan consisted of drilling activities about clothing vocabulary. It was simple lesson plan and focused on writing practices of the names of clothes.
First of all, I started the lesson by delivering them a greeting and then reviewed/recalled what we have learnt in the previous meeting. I showed them clothing flashcards and they repeated me as a model how to pronounce them. I also asked them to show me their own flashcards made in previous meeting and gave them appreciation.
My goal of this meeting was to review the topic of clothing, hopefully they would recognize more about the spellings and words. After opening activity, the children were given a worksheet of word search game about clothes. They did the task individually and you know, it was really noisy. They kept calling me many times asked me how they could do the task. I said to them to wait and stay calm. I helped them one by one and told them about the procedures slowly. Finally, it finished. 
The children took the next worksheet of matching pictures and words. Here, they could do by themselves, but it was getting noisy again when they told me that each of them was the first and asked if they got a star sticker. I said that they could get it later. Next, the children got the third worksheet, it was missing letter. There were ten incomplete names of clothes writing and the children had to fill the missing letter. It was quite calm but not long after that one of my students sang a song, and you know it was "dangdut" traditional song that usually sung by older people/ singers on a 'dangdut' stage show. Of course, it was not in English lyrics but they seemed enjoying the song so much. I thought that in their everyday life, they used to listen to that song. Hmm...It was really surprising. Well, they could do the task well enough while singing.
The last activity was arranging scrambled letter to be the right spelling of clothes vocabularies. If they forget the names,  I told them to look up again on the previous work sheet. I did not give them a timing set, because I was afraid of the slow learners ones. The class could not be set up in a competitive situation. My focus was in reviewing the vocabulary of clothes. At last, I checked their work and I gave them a score and smile emoticon on the worksheet. On these activities, they felt happy but I think they still need to learn more and more.

After the classroom, I think I should have some reflections about the children's activities in learning English. Here are my reflections about my classroom experience:
1. In the first activity, I do not tell the procedure dealing with the word search game. I think that they have already known well about this game, since it is popular game around. One more thing that I forget is their background knowledge. Each task given to the children, I should also prepare the procedures/instructions in the simplest way before they do the task.
2. Individual task is not always proper enough for certain task. I should try to make them work in pair or group work  to make them easy to learn and share the knowledge of certain activity. Besides that, the noisy classroom can be managed little bit well. The children also can ask their partner how to do the task.
3. I should avoid the use of star sticker as the form of appreciation for this class. They keep claiming who the first one is and deserves the star and of course the classroom is getting noisy and chaos.
4. The  third reflection is quite unique. Exactly, singing in the middle of learning is good. But, I don't think it is good enough if they sing a song that not suitable for their age, even it is not in English lyric. As you know, it is English classroom. I haven't got any ideas how to solve this problem or how to get them accustomed to English environment. I know very well that it is not as simply as imagine. We only have one meeting a week and 90 minutes for each meeting. It is almost impossible. But, I'm sure there will be a way. Sometimes, I also give them some nursery songs, but may be another local song is more interesting for the children in suburban area.

My conclusion is being a good English teacher we have to keep studying more and more! I will keep this in my mind. 

Adverb of Manner

Adverb of Manner dalam tata bahasa sering dikenal sebagai 'Kata Keterangan Cara'. Fungsi dari jenis kata ini adalah untuk menerangkan kata kerja (verb) dan biasanya tersusun dari 'kata sifat (Adjective) + ly'. 

slow + ly = slowly (dengan pelan)
regular + ly = regularly (dengan teratur)
careful + ly = carefully (dengan hati-hati)
beautiful + ly = beautifully (dengan indah)
loud + ly = loudly (dengan keras)

Contoh adverb of manner dalam kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan kata kerja.
1. Adinda sings the song beautifully
Kata 'beautifully' menerangkan kata kerja 'sings' yang artinya bahwa Adinda menyanyikan lagu itu dengan indah. 
Bandingkan dengan kalimat berikut!
1. Adinda is beautiful.
Dalam kalimat tersebut digunakan adjective (kata sifat) 'beautiful'. Kata tersebut berfungsi menerangkan 'Adinda' sebagai kata benda, bukan kata kerja. 

Dalam adverb of manner ada beberapa kata sifat yang tidak bisa diberi akhiran -ly, antara lain:
1. Fast - fast (dengan cepat)
2. Good - well (dengan baik)
3. Early - early (dengan awal)
4. Late - late (dengan terlambat)
5. Hard - hard (dengan keras)

Underline the right answer to complete the sentences below!
1. Amanda goes to school by motorcycle (careful/carefully).
2. Priya talks to her friends (loud/loudly).
3. The students are very (happy/happily).
4. Sekar is a (diligent/diligently) student.
5. Fifi sings the pop song (nice/nicely).
6. My father drives the car (fast/fastly).
7. Nitsa never comes (late/lately) to school.
8. My grandmother walks home (slowly/slow) and I accompany her.
9. Caca and Bahtiar write a poem very (good/well).
10. We usually practice to swim (regularly/regular).

Comparison (Perbandingan)

Hi, dears! Sudahkah kalian membuka materi bahasa Inggris untuk semester genap ini? Jika belum, kali ini akan ada satu pembahasan grammar yang ada di salah satu materi bahasa Inggris. Apakah itu? Yup...grammar ini tentang 'perbandingan (Comparison)'. Grammar ini bisa dipelajari oleh semua level, so let's check this out!

Dalam bahasa Inggris perbandingan dibagi menjadi tiga (3) jenis:
1. Positive Degree
2. Comparative Degree
3. Superlative Degree

Nah, kita mulai yuuk!

Perbandingan (Comparison) digunakan jika kita ingin membuat kalimat yang membandingkan satu benda dengan benda lain, atau satu benda dengan banyak benda, atau bahkan sama.
Sebagai contoh jika kalian ingin membuat kalimat seperti di bawah ini:
- Belqis sama tingginya dengan Ade.
- Tugu Monas lebih tinggi daripada Tugu Pahlawan.
- Tugu Monas adalah yang tertinggi di Indonesia.

Jika kalian ingin membuat kalimat-kalimat seperti itu dalam bahasa Inggris, inilah aturannya!

1. Positive Degree
Untuk menyatakan perbandingan yang sejajar antara dua benda.
Pola yang digunakan adalah "as...(adj)...as"

Example: Belqis is as tall as Ade.
                My house is as big as your house.
                My pen is as long as your pen.

2. Comparison Degree
Ada beberapa ketentuan untuk perbandingan jenis ini.
a. Hanya digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda yang tidak sama.
b. Jika kata pembanding (kata sifat) yang digunakan hanya terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata maka kata tersebut diberi akhiran "-er".
c. Jika kata pembanding (kata sifat) yang digunakan terdiri dari lebih dari dua suku kata, maka kata tersebut diberi awalan "more-".

- National Monument is taller than Pahlawan Monument.
- Amanda is taller than Luna.
- My book is more expensive than your book.

3. Superlative Degree
Sebagaimana comparative degree, superlative degree juga memiliki beberapa ketentuan, diantaranya:
a. Digunakan untuk membandingkan lebih dari dua (2) benda.
b. Jika kata pembanding (kata sifat) terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata, maka kata tersebut diberi akhiran "-est".
c. Jika kata pembanding (kata sifat) yang digunakan terdiri dari lebih dari dua suku kata, maka kata tersebut diberi awalan "the most-".

- National Monument is the highest in Indonesia.
- Diana Queen is the most beautiful queen in the world.
- Trenggalek is the smallest city in East Java.

Selain beberapa penjelasan di atas, ada beberapa catatan yang perlu diperhatikan, yaitu ada beberapa kata pembanding (kata sifat) yang bentuknya berbeda. Berikut daftar kata tersebut:

Good = better = the best
bad = worse = the worst
many/much = more = the most
little = less = the least
far = farther = farthest