My secondary students usually get bored and lazy when I told them that we will have a reading task. In their mind, they think that they have to read long and long paragraphs, answer ten (10) questions based on the text, and it is finished. The students consider that those are really boring activities. They are afraid of being sleepy and having awful lesson, moreover it is an English text. Honestly, as an English teacher, I sometimes feel the same as them when I have to teach reading. But, I have to fight against this feeling. I read many resources of teaching reading and try to find the appropriate ones for my classroom. Here, we have done some fun reading comprehension activities that might be applied to your class.
1. Broken Text with Pictures
In this activity, students work in a group or pair based on the number of students in the classroom. For each group, teacher distributes a worksheet to learn about some vocabularies related to the topic of the text. After that, teacher hands out each group a worksheet consisted of a series of pictures without text and a set of paragraph cards. With their partner/friends they have to find a paragraph card matches to its picture. The first group which can do this task firstly will get a score. For the following activity, the groups must present their discussion in front of the classroom for having feed back.
2. Broken Paragraph
In this activity, students are divided into group of 6 or 7 if it is a big class. First, teacher may drill vocabularies related to a text/paragraph using search word or another game. Then, each group is handed out a set of card sentences, broken down from a paragraph, based on a number of members of each group. Teacher asks for each group to arrange in order all the card sentences and they have to stand in line based on the right order of the paragraph. Each member must call out his/her card sentence. Group with the right order will get a score.
3. Question-Answer Partner
In this activity, students work in pair. Each pair will have a student A and student B. Teacher gives As a question card consisted of 5 questions and Bs a short paragraph card. Each pair will have 5 minutes to read their own card. After that, As must call out a question to his/her partner, then Bs have to answer the question based on the text. Ass also write answer given by Bss on his/her card. Pair with the most right answer will get a score. (Here, teacher considers the type, length, and level of text difficulty based on students' background knowledge)
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