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Students' Greeting Cards |
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Students' Greeting Cards |
Now, we are having long and long holiday this beautiful December. It is about two weeks. In these weeks also, we will have two amazing big days, they are Mother Day and New Year or may be there is someone's birthday. Well, can you imagine how excited we are facing those wonderful days? People around my house or my students usually have a plan to visit or go tourist objects, such as lake, beach, park, zoo, and many more, with their lovely family. But, not all of my students have a holiday plan, some of them are still studying with me. So, I ask them to make interesting greeting card sent to their friends, relatives, or family. I try to create an exciting moment to face the big days in December and they will have an unforgettable experience related to the holiday and the nice days. The students have some examples of beautiful greeting cards before making them by themselves. From those example they learn some vocabularies related to the topic.
Happy New Year = Selamat Tahun Baru
Happy Mother Day = Selamat Hari Ibu
Happy Birthday = Selamat Ulang Tahun
I love you Mom = Aku mencintaimu Ibu
Wish you dreams come true = Semoga mimpimu menjadi nyata
Mom is a hero = Ibu adalah seorang pahlawan
Thanks for taking care of me = Terimaka kasih telah merawatku
You are my everything, Mom = Kamu segalanya, Ibu
May God bless you, Mom = Semoga Tuhan memberkahimu, Ibu
You are the strongest woman = Kamu adalah wanita terkuat
Best wishes for you = Doa terbaik untukmu
All happiness just for you = semua kebahagiaan hanya untukmu
I wish your days full of joy and blessing = Aku berharap hari-harimu penuh kebahagiaan dan berkah
New year and new spirit = Tahun Baru dan Semangat Baru
I'm ready to face the New Year = Aku siap menyongsong Tahun Baru
Wish you long-life = Semoga panjang umur
My students, then, prepare their greeting cards. We discuss together to have a good language and structure, after that, they write their greeting card on a small board. These greeting cards can be written and made on a colorful paper, like Origame paper, then they draw something related the greeting card they make.
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