"Gethuk and Utri"

"Gethuk and Utri"
Indonesia is very popular for its various kinds of food. Have you ever heard about “Gethuk and Utri”? Yes, these are traditional food from Indonesia. You will easily find these kinds of food in a traditional market of Karangan, Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia. They are really delicious and sweet, and both of them are made from the same ingredient, cassava. As you know, Indonesia is rich of crops likes rice, corn, soy bean, etc. People in Trenggalek are very creative in processing cassava to be various products of food. The main ingredient to make “Gethuk and Utri” is cassava and also other materials, such as, fine sugar, brown sugar, salt, and grated coconut  as well. The steps how to make them are very easy to do. Here are the steps to make “Gethuk”:
1. First, prepare all the materials needed. Peel some cassava, wash them, and slice lightly.
2. After that, steam them in a pan until the cassava is getting tender, then sprinkle some sugar both fine and brown sugar, salt, grated-coconut.
3. If the steamed-casssava is done, put it in a big dish, mash, and knead it.
4. Put in a tray or square mold, then you can slice it.
5. Place the slices of mashed-cassava (Gethuk) on a serving dish and garnish with grated half young coconut as a topping.

Next, these are the steps how to make “Utri” with cassava as the main ingredient:
1. First, prepare the materials; cassava, young coconut, brown sugar, and enough salt.
2. Peel 1 kg of cassava, wash and grate it. Next, squeeze the grated-cassava to drain the water of it.
3. Then, prepare a pan for steaming.
4. Mix the grated cassava, grated half young coconut, brown sugar, and salt in a big bowl. Spoon the dough on a piece of banana leaf and wrap the dough.

5. After that, steam all the dough (Utri) that has been wrapped into a pan for about 30 minutes.

6. Finally, serve it while it is warm and use grated-coconut as a topping. 

(This recipe is created by local people of Karangan, Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia and translated by Trenggalek SbI)

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